Practical Tips in Planning Your Next Trip

Whether it’s your first time to plan for your trip or you’re already a veteran traveller, planning is the key to an absolutely amazing adventure. What is more awesome is that you have stumbled upon this very practical guide for your next trip!

1. Decide on your destination. Go back to your bucketlist and your dreamboard and choose that dream destination that you have always wanted to go to this year. It could be a place you haven’t been to or one that you would like to revisit to rekindle some memories or relive an experience.

If you have no destination in mind yet, go to travel sites and blogs. Read reviews and recommendations from pro adventurers and backpackers.

2. Prepare a Travel Budget. Once you have picked out your destination, create your travel budget. Do you want to travel in style? Or are you on a shoestring budget? Knowing how much you can spend on your travels will avoid unnecessary financial binds that will leave you miserable for the rest of your trip. Worst you might end up losing all your money and find it difficult to get home.

3. Book your accommodations. Your choice of lodging and where it is located will also determine the level of safety and security you will have during your stay. Check out travel websites and blogs. You will find the best advice and recommendations from seasoned travellers. I Always choose the best place that fits your budget and will not compromise your safety.

4. Buy your ticket. To save on plane fare, book your ticket a week or so in advance. Plane fares get more expensive when you buy closer to your departure date. Check out online booking sites and compare fares. If you’re travelling multi city, you can try different routes to see which routes and dates would give you the cheapest fares.

5. Pack one bag only (as much as possible). Experienced travellers always give a simple advice when it comes to things that you should carry with you, and that is to “travel light”. Limit your pack size to 9″ × 21″ × 14″ and weighing only up to 10kg. When you have less luggage, especially if you only bring a carry on that you can store in overhead bins, it increases your mobility and allows you to worry less on the security of your stuff. Bring only the essentials: Light clothing with wrinkle free fabric, toiletries in small containers, medicine (painkillers, for motion sickness, vitamins), wallet, and passport to name a few. You may one to add more to the list, but make sure that they would fit in.

6. Prepare your safety measures. Murphy’s law says: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. So give careful thought to your safety and security.

  • Keep contact numbers of important people in your life, especially those who need to be contacted in case of emergency. Not just in your phonebook, but also in a piece of notebook or paper that you can tuck in your wallet. Better yet memorize them. This would be very helpful in situations when your mobile phone loses its power.
  • Carry a small first-aid kit complete for any medical problem that may arise.
  • Pack a portable door lock for added security. Hotels have multiple keys and people can easily access your room. You don’t want an intruder to easily get in. Read more about hotel and motel security in this blog post

7. DON’T FORGET! What ever happens on that trip, make sure that you’ll have the time of your life. Enjoy, make friends, take photos and live through the experience!

Keep these tips in mind and be prepared for the adventure of your life.


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