The Unannounced “Guests” and Other Addalock Stories

Add-A-Lock, the portable door lock, has helped so many homeowners and travellers improve safety and security inside their homes and rooms. Read the stories of our customers about our awesome product!

The Unannounced “Guests”

“It gives me  great peace of mind to me as a female, so that when I need to take a shower I don’t have to worry about pesky, rude, and unannounced ‘visitors’ inside my home.”

Julie H rents an apartment in New Jersey and the landlord allows maintenance and other people to enter tenant homes without even asking permission from the tenant herself! In some states and cities this is absolutely against the law unless there is an emergency or there is fire. In Julie’s case however, the landlord and, of course, the maintenance people didn’t really care about barging in her room without prior notice just because they were given the key. It didn’t just happen to her once! It happened 3 times!

There was a time when the plumber just went into her apartment while she was in the shower. Another incident was the roofer who went through her window to plug his extension cord in her outlet.

Julie finally decided to get Addalock which she installs on the front door of her apartment whenever she is home (the landlord also refused to have a door chain installed. Such blatant disregard for privacy!). She loves addalock because it doesn’t damage the door frame or the door. It is installed perfectly it cannot be noticed from outside.

Since then there were no more disturbances from the landlord or the maintenance people, at least when she is home. 🙂

One Addalock is Not Enough

Even though it’s in a hospital, the unsecured door makes me very nervous. With my Addalock I can sleep in peace.”

Dr. Meredith owns, not just one but 5 Addalocks! Unsecured doors make her nervous. She purchased her very first Addalock 2 years ago and she brings them with her all the time. After she misplaced it, she bought 5 on her next purchase so she doesn’t have to carry one with her all the time except when she’s travelling. She uses 2 Addalocks at home. One for the front door and one for the back door. And one each at her clinic, when she’s in the doctor’s on-call room, and for travelling.  

Recently, Dr. Meredith bought 2 more Addalocks. Not for herself, but as a gift to family, friends, and colleagues. That tells us a lot about  how she loves our awesome portable door lock!

Security Fortified

“The best you can do is to slow down a burglar and this addalock will do so. If it takes 5 kicks to a door with just a doorknob lock, and it takes 8 kicks to a door with a deadbolt. It will take about 12 kicks to get through a door with a deadbolt and an addalock.”

Living in one of the most highly burglarized cities in the US, Brent experienced several attempted break-ins in the middle of the night. While he can very well defend himself from any burglar or thief being a big guy and skilled marksman, he cannot take his chances all the time. His sleep and rest had also been compromised because he has to be alert for even the teeniest sound and movement.

One time while Brent was surfing the internet, he came across Addalock. Skeptical about the effectiveness of inexpensive door securities, he decided to try it out anyway.

Since the time he had the portable door lock installed, he’s been sleeping like a baby. According to Brent, Addalock doesn’t completely stop the burglar from entering your home especially if he’s the determined kind. However, it can slow him down because based on Brent’s experiment, it takes 5 – 7 forceful, and very loud, kicks for the lock to give way. The burglar wouldn’t create much ruckus if he doesn’t want to draw attention to himself, would he?

The Skeptical Mom

Does the job by feeling secure and making your scaredy cat wife happy.”

Stacy used to be skeptical about portable door locks and considered them simply a marketing gimmick until one day she decided to give it a try. A mom of 4, the youngest being a 3 year old exploring toddler, found it necessary to keep her secure to keep her little one from just barging in in the middle of laundry or opening the front or back door to go out.  

The first purchase was followed by another and then another… Stacy has now become a firm believer of Addalock as additional security for her and her children. She was impressed that it was so easy to install and that her toddler couldn’t figure out how it works so he couldn’t open the door. She now uses this nifty gadget to secure her garage door, her laundry room, and her front door.

Dormroom Magic

These are the greatest little ‘door jammers’

Kevin is a 2nd year college student and living in a dorm 2 roommates. These three young men had the same complaint: other dormers just barging in their room. Dispensing with knocking altogether. The doors had defective locks, probably with the repeated forceful entry of the big burly men at the dorm. While Kevin and his friends can keep there valuables under lock and key inside their closets or a small safe, they’re not saved from the repeated intrusions.

When Kevin shared these dorm incidents to his backpacker friend, Benny, the latter recommended that he purchase Addalock and install it on their dorm room door. That same night, Kevin immediately bought the door lock and installed it. There had been no room interruptions since then.

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